Landmark sex abuse case against the Boy Scouts of America, including claims for substantial punitive damages.
After liability was found against the Boy Scouts of America, Serena Morones was hired by the plaintiff to testify in the punitive damages phase of the trial. Ms. Morones was specifically asked to teach the jury the details of BSA’s financial condition and answer the question about whether or not BSA had enough money to pay the requested punitive damages.
Ms. Morones taught the jury about the details of BSA’s nearly $1 billion in assets. She also presented evidence showing that BSA operates a substantial merchandising business generating more than $400 million in annual revenues and $150 million in profits. Ms. Morones concluded with her opinion that BSA had the financial means to pay the punitive damage claim.
The jury awarded $18.5 million punitive damages, a constituting an unprecedented public action against BSA.
Media Coverage:
NBC News: Scouts must pay $18.5 million in abuse case
Oregon Live Article: Lawyer tells Portland jury: Boy Scouts not getting message
Oregonian Video: Oregonian YouTube press conference video with plaintiff