Get an Accurate Appraisal Through Business Valuation Review

Get an Accurate Appraisal Through Business Valuation Review
September 26, 2019 Alina Niculita
Alina Niculita, Business Valuation Expert

Get an Accurate Appraisal Through Business Valuation Review

As an attorney, advisor, or business owner, you’re already familiar with Business Appraisals and Business Valuations, but how do you really know that a valuation is accurate and that the appraiser has followed generally accepted valuation standards?

Here are some common questions you might be asking about your Business Valuation:

  • Are the applied valuation methodologies the most appropriate ones?
  • Are there any errors in assumptions, methodology, or math?
  • Are the financial projections used adequately supported?
  • Are the valuation multiples applied appropriate?
  • Is the discount rate appropriate?
  • Does the appraisal comply with professional valuation standards?

In answer to these (and other questions), I provide a Business Valuation Review service to review business valuations to see if they comply with industry standards.

The benefit for you is the peace of mind knowing that the valuation passed the test of an objective reviewer, without the time-consuming and expensive process of getting a new valuation done. Knowing that the valuation has passed the criteria set by the industry, you’ll have the extra measure of confidence to proceed.

To help you identity whether your business appraisal may warrant a closer look, I’ve included a link to this short and easy to read article, “Red Flags in Valuation Reports.”

If you have valuation related questions, or want to discuss a business valuation review, please contact me by email or phone.


Phone: 503-906-1585
